Korean J Anesthesiol > Volume 75(2); 2022 > Article |
Author Contributions
Seunghee Ki (Conceptualization; Visualization; Writing – original draft)
Yongwon Cho (Data curation; Writing – original draft)
Youngkyung Choi (Methodology; Resources)
Sehun Lim (Project administration; Supervision)
Myounghun Kim (Formal analysis; Investigation)
Jeonghan Lee (Writing – review & editing)
Values are presented as number or mean ± SD. Experimental (C) group: who received chemotherapy for the treatment of colorectal cancer in the past 12 months, Control (N) group: who have never received chemotherapy, BMI: body mass index, TNM stage: TNM classification of malignant tumors, T describes the size of the tumor and any spread of cancer into nearby tissue; N describes spread of cancer to nearby lymph nodes; and M describes metastasis.
Values are presented as mean ± SD. LVC: loss of verbal contact (when the Modified Observer’s Alertness/Sedation [MOAA/S] score was 3 or 2), LOC: loss of consciousness (when the MOAA/S score was 1 or 0), Ce: effect-site concentration of propofol, BIS: Bispectral Index, C group: who had received chemotherapy for the treatment of colorectal cancer in the past 12 months, N group: who have never received chemotherapy, Time taken: represents the time in minutes from start to LVC or LOC.
Estimates of population PD parameters and median parameter values (2.5%, 97.5%) of the nonparametric bootstrap replicates of the final PD model for each sedation level (MOAA/S score). No interindividual random variability was assumed. Nonparametric bootstrap analysis was repeated 1000 times. Experimental (C) group: who had received chemotherapy for the treatment of colorectal cancer in the past 12 months, Control (N) group: who have never received chemotherapy. PD: pharmacodynamic, MOAA/S: Modified Observer’s Alertness/Sedation scale, MOAA/S ≤ n: MOAA/S score being equal to or less than a given level n, Ce50 (n): effect-site concentration of propofol associated with 50% probability of MOAA/S (n), γ: the slope steepness for the relationship of the effect-site concentration vs. MOAA/S (n), RSE: relative standard error = SE/mean × 100 (%).