Korean J Anesthesiol Search


Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 1980;13(1):1-6.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4097/kjae.1980.13.1.1   
Effects of Pancuronium on Isolated Rat Jejunal Preparations .
Jung Un Lee, Ik Soo Kim, Se Jin Choi
Department of Anesthesiology, Chungnam National University School of Medicine, Daejeon, Korea.
The effects of skeletal muscle relaxants on skeletal muscles have been well known but not the effects of these drugs on smooth muscle. In an attempt to study the relaxation effects and mechanisms of pancuronium on isolated rat jejunal preparations, the writer has perfotmed a set of experiments, of which results can be summarized as follows; 1) The experiments praduced significant dose-dependent relaxation effects on iselated rat jejunal preparations in doses of 3mug, 10mug, 30mug, and 100mug per ml of solution in a bath in the pancuronium case, while the other reIaxants, d-tubocurine, gallamine and succinylcholine, did not have relsxatio effects. 2) The relaxation effects of pancuronium on isolated rat jejonal preparations were not affected when pretreated with adrenergic alpha and beta receptor bloekers or a ganglion blocker (hexamethonium). 3) There were significant increases in the relaxation effects of pancuronium on isolated rat jejunal preparations when pretreated with atropine. 4) There were significant decreases in the contraction effects of acetylcholine when pretreated with pancuronium 30ug/ml From the results described above, it can be coacluded that only pancuronium exerts dose dependent relaxation effects on isolated rat jejunal preparations among the skeletal muscle relaxants studied that there is no relationship between the relaxation effects of isolated rat jejunal preparations and adrenergic alpha and beta receptors. Also there are significant blocking effects of pancuronium on the contraction of isolated rat preparation due to acetylcholine, as we demonstrated with atropine.


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