Anesthetic Experience for Open Heart Surgery. |
Jung Choul Park, Kyung Cheun Lee, Hong Sun Kim, Yung Lae Cho |
Department of Anesthesiology, Gil Hospital, In Chon, Korea. |
Abstract |
This report is concerned with our clinical experience of 150 cases of anesthesia for open heart surgery at department of anesthesiology, In chon Gil hospital from Februry, 1990 to April, 1993. The results were as follows ; 1) Among 150 cases, 68 cases (45.3%) were congenital heart disease and 82 cases (54.7%) were acquired heart disease. 62 cases (41.3%) were males and 88 cases (58.7%) were females. 2) Glycopyrrolate, diazepam, morphine, were used as premedicants. 3) Fentanyl, ketamine, diazepam, thiopental sodium were used as induction agents and injected singly or in combination. 4) In congenital cyanotic heart diseases, ketamine was used as main anesthetic agent. In other heart diseases, fentanyl, isoflurane, diazepam were used. 5) Vecuronium was used for intubation and maintenance of muscle relaxation. 6) Overall mortality rate was 3.3% (5 cases) and the causes of death were low cardiac output, respiratory insufficiency, mediastinal infection. |
Key Words:
Open heart surgery |