Effects of Vecuronium in Myasthenia Gravis Undergoing Thymectomy. |
Seon Hee Gil, Kyung Ho Hwang, Sung Yell Kim |
Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, Soon Chun Hyang University, Korea. |
Abstract |
A 18 year old male with myesthenia gravis. Osserman Adult B type, underwent thymectany under general anesthesia combining the use of the new competitive muscle relaxant.
Vecuronium, with initial dose of 0.08mg/kg. Neuromuscular blockade of Vecuronium in this myasthenic patient was monitored carefully from induction to postanesthetic period and it was compared with neuromuscular blockade of vecuronium(0.08mg/kg) and pancuronium(0.08mg/kg) in non-myasthenic patient. In this dose of Vecuronium in myasthenic patient, easy to achive endotracheal intubation, it's duration action and recovery were makedly prolonged and delayed than those of non-myasthenic patient and weakly approximated to those of pancuronium in non-myasthenic patients. Conclusively, the reduced dosage of vecuronium with careful neuromuscular monitering in myasthenic patient should be more effective and safe without any difficulties of anesthetic management and ventilatory support on post-operative period. |