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Pressure-Controlled Ventilation with Permissive Hypercapnia in Severe Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Kyoung Min Lee, Soon Yul Kim, So Hyun Shin, Won Ju Lee, Ryoung Choi1995 February;28(2)
Prognosis and Predisposing Factor of Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Hyun Chung Chung, Cheung Soo Shin, Yong Taek Nam1993 February;26(1)
A Case of Acute Respiratory Distress and DIC after C-Sec. Won Tae Kim, Cheol Seung Lim, Hae Chool Kim1990 October;23(5)
Clinical Study of Patients with Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Shin Ok Koh, Hung Kun Oh, Dong Kwan Han1986 April;19(2)
Spinal Anesthesia for Sick Sinus Syndrome. Nam Sik Woo, Min Sik Won, Ryung Choi1987 August;20(4)