Scheduling and Auditing of Anesthetic Record using Personal Computer. |
Soon Jae Kim, Hyun Soo Kim, Kwang Min Kim, Byung Jo Choi |
Department of Anesthesiology, Hallym University, School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. |
Abstract |
Now, in the 1980s computer literacy is an integral part of education. This is a result of both normal cultural evolution and revolutionary technical advances which have greatly deereased the cost of computers and made them for far easier to use and understand. Accordingly, the possible application for the anesthetist are varied and range from educational game to sophiscated servo control of vital signs. The following is an experience of application program named AMS(Anesthetic Management System). The AMS is for scheduling and auditing of anesthetic record. The usage is simple and accurate but have some problems including lack of uniformity in data input especially type of anesthesia and anesthetic agent used. Authors expect the better programs which can be used in risk analysis in anesthsiology will be developed. |
Key Words:
Scheduling; Anesthetic record: Computer |