Post-Spinal Complications Observed in Koreans . |
Jae Kyu Jeon, Jung Kil Chung, Jung In Bae |
Department of Anesthesiology, Keimyung University Medical College and hospital, Taegu, Korea. |
Abstract |
Various post-spinal complications have been well reported for a century since spinal anesthesis first started in 1885.
However, we have no statistics on postspinal complications observed in Koreans. During the five year period from 1974 to 1979, 5318 cases of spinal analgesia, mainly using a premixed 5 percent lidocaine solution with 5% dextrose, were recorded at Dong Sam Medical Center. This study was primarily undertaken to observe various postspinal complications in Koreans. AS a result of this, we can summarize as follows: 1) The mean age of these cases was 43 years. 2) The main aensthetic was the premixed 5 percent lidocaine solution with 5 percent dextrose. 3) The needles for the lumbar puncture were mainly 22 gange Whitacre pencil point needel. 4) The overall incidence of headache was 3.4 percent. The details as to postspinal headache and treatment were published previously. 5) Backache was subdivided into three different groups: localized pain(3.88%), diffuse pain (2.47%) and radiating pain(0.17%). The overall incidence was 2.7 percent. 6) The incidence of voiding difficulty was 2.7%. 7) The Rare neurological sequelae were not observed in our series and the other complications are noted in table 5.
8) The results are compared with the Dripps and Phillips series in table 2. |