Korean J Anesthesiol Search


Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 2005;49(5):702-704.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4097/kjae.2005.49.5.702   
Hypoglossal Nerve Palsy following General Anesthesia: A case report.
Ki Joon Kim, Jung Won Park, Chong Wha Baek, Yong Hoon Jung, Gil Hoi Koo
Departmemt of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, College of Medicine, Jung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea. icanfly88@paran.com
The hypoglossal nerve is a motor supply of the tongue. Hypoglossal nerve palsy after general anesthesia is rare but there have been several reports showing an association with oropharyngeal manipulation such as intubation, bronchoscopy, and laryngeal mask airway. The main mechanism considered has been a temporary compression of the nerve along its superficial course at the lateral root of the tongue during oropharyngeal manipulation. We encountered a patient who complained speaking and swallowing difficulties after general surgery. A deviation to the affected side, atrophy, and fasciculation of tongue were observed. Almost all palsies recovered spontaneously. We present a patient with a transient unilateral hypoglossal nerve palsy after an uncomplicated intubation and anesthesia for surgery for humerus fracture in the beach-chair position.
Key Words: complication; hypoglossal nerve palsy; intubation


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