Recall Following N2O-O2-Fentanyl General Anesthesia for Cesarean Section . |
Hae Ja Lim, Byung Young Kim, Hye Won Lee, Byung Kook Chae, Seong Ho Chang, Jung Soon Shin |
Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea. |
Abstract |
It is usual for cesarean aection using minimal concentration of anesthetics for fetal and maternal safety without inhibiton of postpartum uterine contraction. So, there is increased incidence of maternal awareness and complaint of intraoperative pain experience in postoperative period. We studied the effect of N2O-O2-Fentanyl anesthesia for cesarean section for 115 healthy parturients. The patients were questioned for awareness and intraoperative pain experience during anesthesia and unpleasant dreams at first postoperative day. The results were as follows; 1. The 29 patients have positive reactions. Among them, 18 patients have auditory awareness, 18 patients have intraoperative pain experience, 5 patients have dreams and 3 patients have a awareness of endotracheal tube. Among them 6 patients wanted other anesthetic method, if they have to have cesaiean section, again. 2. There are significant difference in the occurence of recall in group of first cesarean section compared with the group repeat cesarean section(P<0.05). 3. No statistical relationship between recall and use of Thalamonal, elective or emergency, skin to delivery time, uterine to delivery time and patient age. It is recommended that quietness and low concentration of inhalation anesthetics at delivery of fetus during general anesthesia for cesarean section, especially for repeat cesarean section. |
Key Words:
Recall; Fentanyl; Cesarean section |