Clinical Evaluation of Intravenous Regional Aneetheeia using Bupivacaine . |
Kwang Kyun Choi, Hae Kyung Kim, Chang Kun Ahn |
Department of Anesthesiology, National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea. |
Abstract |
We prospectively studied the clinical effect of intravenous bupivacaine for regional anes-thesia in the lower & upper extremities in sixty consecutive patient from September, 1985 to truly 1986. 0.2% bupivacaine was used and dosage was varied between 1.0mg/kg and 2.5mg/kg. according to the 7ype of surgery, site, body weight and the size of the limb. The amount of bupivaeaine required was rather depend upon the size of the limb thats the patient's body weight. The effect of the anesthesia for a variety of extremity procedures was rated as exoellent, good or fair in 98.3% of the patient. |