Korean J Anesthesiol Search


Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 1987;20(2):195-203.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4097/kjae.1987.20.2.195   
Changes of Plasma ADH and beta-endorphin Levels during General Anesthesia.
Bon Up Koo, Woon Yi Baek, Byung Kwon Kim
1Department of Anesthesiology, Yeungnam University, Medical School, Taegu, Korea.
2Department of Anesthesiology, Kyungpook National University, Medical School, Taegu, Korea.
The purposes of this study were to investigate the changes of plasma ADH and beta-endo-rphin levels during general anesthesia. Tweleve patients, who had surgery at Krungpook National University Hospital, were selected without specific hepatic, renal and other endocrinologic disorders. The patients were anesthetized with thiopental sodium and succinylcholine chloride followed by O2-N2O-ha1othane(4 cases), anti O2-N2O-enflurane(8 cases) , The plasma ADH and beta endorphin levels were chocked before anesthesia(control group), 20 minutes after endotracheal intubation, 20 minutes after surgical incision and at recovery roam when the patients responded to the pain. The plasma ADH levels were 5.69+/-2.19, 12.72+/-14.90. 11.47+/-9.62 and 24.42+/-23.23 ru/ml, respectively. It were progressively incresed and significantly incresed at recovery room (P<0.05). The Plasma beta endorphin levels were 4.1+/-3.54, 6.44+/-3.75, 6.68+/-3.90 and 17.88 +/-12.08 Pmol/l, resPectiTely. Plasma beta endorphin levels at 20 minutes after endotracheal intubation and 20 minutes after surgical incision were significantly increased(p<0.05) and it was very significantly increased at recovery room(P<0.01) . Albo serum electrrolytes(Na+, K+, Cl-, CO2-) were evaluated, but statistically or clinically not significant. Urine electrolytes(Na+, K+) and osmolality were evaluated before, during and after ane Sthesia, but statistically not significant. From the view of inhalation anesthetics, there were no diffrences between halothane and enflurane in plasma ADH and beta endorphin levels.


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