Korean Journal of Anesthesiology



About the journal

Korean Journal of Anesthesiology (Korean J Anesthesiol; KJA/ISSN: 2005-6419) was founded in 1968 with the Korean title Taehan Mach'ikwa Hakhoe chi (ISSN: 0302-5780). Its title was changed to the present one in 2009. Starting in 2010, KJA began to be published only in English. It was published monthly from 1997 to 2014 and has been published bimonthly since 2015.

The journal has been supported by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (Ministry of Science and ICT).

Journal Title Korean Journal of Anesthesiology
Journal Abbreviation Korean J Anesthesiol
Acronym KJA
Publication Date Vol. 56, no. 1 (2009) -
Frequency Bimonthly
Publisher Korean Society of Anesthesiologists
Language English
pISSN 2005-6419
eISSN 2005-7563
DOI Prefix 10.4097
Continued By Korean Journal of Anesthesiology = 대한마취과학회지
Broad Subject Term(s) Anesthesiology
MeSH (NLM) Anesthesiology
SC (SCI) Anesthesiology
Open Access OA-nc (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/)
Electronic Links http://ekja.org
Covered By
KJA is indexed/tracked/covered by KCI (Korea Citation Index, 2001-), KoreaMed (1998-), KoMCI Web (2002-), Google Scholar (2004-), PubMed / PubMed Central (2010-), MEDLINE (2018-), EBSCOhost, Scopus (2010-), Embase (2010-), CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service, 2010-), Crossref metadata (2013-), ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index, 2016-), SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded, 2021-), and DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journal, 2017-).

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