Korean J Anesthesiol Search


Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 1989;22(2):247-251.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4097/kjae.1989.22.2.247   
Comparison of Blood Pressure Measured Directly at Radial Artery and Aorta During Pre - and Post - cardiopulmonary Bypass.
Yong Seok Oh, Hyuk Ahn, Byung Moon Ham
1Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
2Department of Thoracic Surgery, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
Differences of usual relationship between aortic and radial artery pressure was evaluated in 14 patients at pre-and post cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) period, post-CPB, 5 min and10 min after open heart surgery. Radial arterial systolic pressure were lower, (range 0-44 mmHg, mean 17 mmHg) relative to aortic preasure, after CPB than before CPB in all 14 patient studied. In 9 patients post-CPB radial mean arterial pressure were lower than mean aortic pressure in the range of 5-25 mmHg. These data indicate that the low radial pressure measured at post-CPB did not represent the true aortic pressure in the immediate postbypaas period. In conclusion, we recommend direct measurement of the aortic pressure following CPB whenever radial arterial pressure is low enough that treatment is contemplat-ed, since aortic pressure may in fact be adequate.
Key Words: Blood pressure; Monitoring; Cardiopulmonary bypass; Open heart surgery


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