Trends of Anesthetic Managements in 20 Years . |
Kun il Lee, Ok Hyun Cho, Sung Min Han, Pyung Hwan Park, II Yong Kwak |
Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. |
Abstract |
The anesthetic experience in 20 years was evaluated by statistically analyzing the total of 17,595 cases which were performed at S.N.U.H. from 1960 through 1979 according to age, sex, anesthetic agents and methods. To simplify the analysis, the authors selected the anesthetic cases of 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, and 1978. The results were as follows: 1) General anesthesia has been used with increasing frequencies and local anesthesia with decreasing frequencies during the period. 2) More than half of the totaI cases were performed for the patients in their second or third decades. 3) General surgery cases were the majority of the total. 4) The usage of halothane has been increased ever since its introduction into clinical anesthesia in this hospital. 5) For intravenous induction, thiopental has been used as the main agent, and succinylcholine and pancuronium as the major muscle relaxants since 1975. 6) For anesthetic technique, semiclosed circle absorption system has been employed in almost all cases, and non-rebreathing system has been used recently with increasing frequencies in pediatric anesthesia. |