Korean J Anesthesiol Search


Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 2007;52(3):355-358.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4097/kjae.2007.52.3.355   
Spontaneous Rupture of Native Kidney in a Patient Receiving Kidney Transplantation : A case report.
Soon Ho Cheong, Jae Heung Cho, Young Hwan Kim, Se Hun Lim, Jeong Han Lee, Kun Moo Lee, Young Kyun Choi, Young Jae Kim, Chee Mahn Shin
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Inje University Pusan Paik Hospital, College of Medicine, Inje University, Busan, Korea. anesjsh@medimail.co.kr
Spontaneous rupture of a kidney can occur as a complication of an acquired cystic kidney lesion. Herein, one case of a spontaneous rupture of a contralateral native kidney, due to the rupture of a cystic lesion during kidney transplantation surgery, is described. The patient was a 24 year old female admitted for left kidney transplantation due to chronic renal failure. During the operation, her arterial blood pressure and central venous pressure gradually decreased after anastomosis of the renal vessel, but without significant bleeding in the operative field or any suspected cause of the decreasing arterial blood pressure. On the first postoperative day, she underwent an abdominal CT, where a retroperitoneal hematoma was found. Therefore, a right nephrectomy was performed. She also had a right perirenal hematoma due to the rupture of cystic lesion in the native kidney. While a spontaneous rupture of the kidney is very rare, especially during the perioperative period, it is important to consider this complication when evaluating the corresponding clinical picture.
Key Words: cystic kidney disease; kidney rupture; kidney transplantation


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