Effect of Loss of Epidural Negative Pressure on Spinal Sensory Blokade Level of Spinal Anesthesia. |
Bong Il Kim, Woon Seok Rho, Kun Hee Lee |
Abstract |
BACKGROUND We postulated that loss of epidural negative pressure might affect on the sensory blockade level of spinal anesthesia. METHODS Thirty nine patients were involved in our study; group 1, spinal anesthsia with 23G spinal needle (n=20): group 2, spinal anesthesia with 27G spinal needle through the 18G Weiss epidural needle (n=19). Sensory blockade level was checked by pinprick test at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 60 and 90 minutes after spinal anesthesia. RESULTS There was no difference of sensory blockade level between group 1 and 2. CONCLUSION From above result, there was no evidence of loss of epidural negative pressure affecting on the spinal sensory blockade level. |
Key Words:
Anesthetic techniques, epidural, combined spinal and epidural; Measurement techniques, pain, pinprick test |