Chest Wall Rigidity after Intravenous Administration of Fentanyl. |
Ik Sang Seung, Khung Hun Kim, Dong Ho Lee, Kyo Sang Kim, Jung Kook Suh, Hee Koo Yoo, Se Ung Chon, Chung Lee |
1Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea. 2Department of Anesthesiology, Seoul Chung Ang Hospital, Seoul, Korea. |
Abstract |
Recently, fentanyl is frequently used for several purposes as an adjuvant during general anesthesia because of its potent analgesic action, rapid onset of action, short duration and minimal cardiovascular depression in the usual clinical dose. But it should be administered very carefully, because the occurrence of bradycardia and severe muscular rigidity are not uncommon. This report concerns a case of chest wall rigidity occurring in 16.8 kg, and 4-year-old boy after intravenous administration of 3 ug/kg fentanyl during mask inhalation anesthesia. The degree of rigidity was very severe and oxygen could not be inflated through the oxygen mask by manual method. The rigidity was relieved by a neuromuscular blocking agent. |
Key Words:
Fentanyl; Chest wall rigidity |