CSF Spinal Drainage Using CVP Catheter for Brain Surgery. |
Jung In Bae, Jae Kyu Cheun |
Department of Anesthesiology, Keimyung University, School of Medicine, Taegu, Korea. |
Abstract |
Acute volume and ICP changes produce irreversible brain damage because the hard cranium is filled with soft brain tissue, blood in the intracranial vessels and cerebrsopinal fluid. Surgical manipulatins and anesthesia may also alter this delicate intracranial balance. Therefore, the control of ICP and brain volume is very importment for brain surgery. There are several known methods to decrease intracranial pressure and improve cerebral perfusion pressure such as the use of diuretics, hyperventilation and CSF drainage. The CSF spinal drainage is a method of reducing ICP and vloume to facilitate dissection and placement of clips for aneurysm surgery and reduce the incidence of aneurysm rupture. We had 207 cases of CSF spinal drainage in patients scheduled for brain surgery. CSF spinal drainage has been employed using a regular CVP intracatheter with the 14 gauze large needle. We have found that this techique is simple, economic and efficient and its conplications are minimal. CSF spinal drainage is believed to decrease the intracranial pressure and increase the cerebral perfusion pressure and to prevent development of ischemic symptoms or cerebral infarction as vasospasm. |
Key Words:
CVP catheter; Spinal fluid drainage |