Epidural Pentazocine for Postoperative Pain Relief . |
Young Seok Lee, Young Jo Lee, Chung Hyun Cho |
Department of Anesthesiology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. |
Abstract |
A number of recent reports haTe described the usefulness of the epidural injection of narcotics for the relief of postpoerative pain. But the epidural or intrathecal uke of a narcotic agonist-antagonist, especially one with a high lipid solubility such as penta97cine, has not been reported.
The present studr was undertaken to evaluate the feasibility of pentagocine as an agent for postoperative pain relief when injected epidurally. 80 patients involved in this study were divided raadomlr into four groups: 10 ml saline (group 1, n=20); 0.2 mg/kg pentazocine in 10m1 saline(group 2, n=20): 0.3mg/kg penta- zocine in 10 ml saline(group 3, R= 20) ; 0.4 mg/kg pentazocine in 10 ml(group 4, n=20). she results were as follows : 1) 20(100%) patients from the 0.2 mg pentazocine group, 18(90%) form the 0.3mg/kg pentazocine group and 20(100%) from the 0.4 mg/kg pentazocine group obtained analgesic effects following the epidural injection of pentagzocine. 2) The peak analgesic effect following epidural pentafocine ocurred at 15 min(mean val-ue). 3) The duration of analgesia following epidural pentazocine ranged from 6 to 13 hours. 4) No patient had respiratory depression, itching or vomiting but some patients had urinary retention and nausea. In conclusion, the present study suggests that pentazocine is a useful agent for postope-ratilve pain relief when injected epidurally. |