Effects of Prophylactic Antiemetic Combination of Dexamethasone and Ondansetron on Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting in High-risk Patients. |
Duck Hwan Choi, Sang Hyun Cha, Eun Jin Kim |
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. gi1519@hanmail.net |
Abstract |
BACKGROUND In the previous study, patients at high risk for postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) were identified by the Korean risk model. Consecutively, we investigated whether high-risk patients based on the Korean risk model could be managed with multiple prophylactic antiemetics. METHODS Patients scheduled for elective surgery under general anesthesia were classified in two risk groups (first group: high risk group, second group: very high risk group) by using the Korean risk model. All patients received volatile general anesthesia and antiemetic combination of dexamethasone 5 mg (after induction) and ondansetron 4 mg (before end of surgery). We investigated the incidences of PONV in the postanesthetic care unit and at ward. RESULTS Compared with the data from our previous study, the overall incidence of PONV decreased from 52.2% to 23.1% (P< or =0.001). The incidence decreased from 47.4% to 19.4% (P< or =0.001) in the high risk group and from 61.6% to 32.2% (P< or =0.001) in the very high risk group. The relative risk reduction did not differ between two groups (59.1%:47.7%). CONCLUSIONS Antiemetic prophylactic with combination of dexamethasone and ondansetron was equally effective in reducing the occurrence of PONV in both group patients. |
Key Words:
dexamethasone; ondansetron; postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) |