Korean J Anesthesiol Search


Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 2002;43(5):572-574.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4097/kjae.2002.43.5.572   
The Effect of Pretreatment with Lidocaine for the Withdrawal Movement Associated with the Injection of Rocuronium in Children.
Kyong Sik Kim, Yun Jeong Chae, Sung Yong Park, Han Bum Cho, Jin Soo Kim
Department of Anesthesiology, School of Medicine, Ajou University, Suwon, Korea. lala06@freechal.com
The purpose of this study was two fold; first, to determine the incidence and type of withdrawal movement associated with IV injection of rocuronium in pediatric patients; and second, to determine whether pretreatment with IV lidocaine affects the incidence of movement associated with rocuronium administration in pediatric patients.
Forty-two pediatric patients were randomly assigned to two groups. After general anesthesia was induced with thiopental sodium 5 mg/kg and manual occlusion of venous inflow was performed, one group of patients received 0.1 ml/kg 1% lidocaine IV. A second group received 0.1 ml/kg of normal saline as a placebo control. Venous inflow occlusion was held for 5 seconds, and immediately followed by the injection of rocuronium 0.6 mg/kg IV. The patient's response to rocuronium injection was graded using a 5-point scale.
We observed that the incidence of movement was 100% in the placebo group and was significantly decreased to 28.8% in the group pretreated with lidocaine (P<0.001).
Withdrawal movement on injection of rocuronium in pediatric patients can be decreased or prevented by pretreatment with IV lidocaine.
Key Words: Anesthetic; local; lidocaine; complication; movement; neuromuscular relaxants; rocuronium


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