Fatal pulmonary embolism and coincidental cerebral infarction after spinal anesthesia -A case report-
Jong-Yeon Lee, Su-Yeon Lee, Inho Shin, Chunghyun Park, Byung-Sang Lee, Min Sung Kim
Korean J Anesthesiol. 2011;61(6):515-518.   Published online 2011 Dec 20     DOI: https://doi.org/10.4097/kjae.2011.61.6.515
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Fatal cardiac thromboembolism in a patient with a pacemaker during ureteroscopic lithotripsy for ureter stone: a case report
Mee Young Chung, Su Min Chae, Chang Jae Kim
Korean Journal of Anesthesiology.2015; 68(1): 74.     CrossRef