Anesthetic Requirements in Chronic Cord-injured Patients Undergoing Surgery below the Level of Injury.
Nam Gi Park, Kyung Yeon Yoo, Cheol won Jeong, Sung Tae Chung, Seok Jai Kim, Woong Mo Kim, Hyung gon Lee
Korean J Anesthesiol. 2008;54(3):S6-S15.     DOI:
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Anesthetic requirements and stress hormone responses in chronic spinal cord-injured patients undergoing surgery below the level of injury: nitrous oxide vs remifentanil
Dong Ho Kang, Seong-Heon Lee, Seok Jai Kim, Jeong-Il Choi, Cheol-Won Jeong, Seong Wook Jeong, Kyung Yeon Yoo
Korean Journal of Anesthesiology.2013; 65(6): 531.     CrossRef