The Effects of Propofol as s Sole Intravenous Anesthetics on Endourologic Transurethral Lithotripsy.
Young Gwon Goo, Koung Hwa Joo, Hye Weon Shin, Woon Young Kim, Kuy Suk Suh, Hong Sun Yuh, Tag Keun Yoo
Korean J Anesthesiol. 1998;34(3):531-536.     DOI:
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A Comparison of Remifentanil versus Fentanyl as an Adjuvant to Propofol Anesthesia for Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy
Jinhye Min, Young Ho Kim, Young Keun Chae, Woo Kyung Lee, Sun-soon Choi, Hong Seok Chai, Young Soon Choi
Korean Journal of Anesthesiology.2008; 54(3): 283.     CrossRef