Comparision of Propofol and Thiopental Sodium as Anesthetic Agents for Electroconvulsive Therapy: Effects on Seizure Duration, Hemodynamic Responses and Recovery.
Young Ju Park, Jun Heum Yon, Jung Won Kim, Ki Hyeok Hong
Korean J Anesthesiol. 1998;34(5):932-936.     DOI:
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Anesthesia for electroconvulsive therapy during pregnancy - A case report -
Sung Ho Moon, Se Hun Lim, Sang Eun Lee, Young Hwan Kim, Jeong Han Lee, Kun Moo Lee, Soon Ho Cheong, Young Kyun Choi, Young Jae Kim, Chee Mahn Shin
Korean Journal of Anesthesiology.2008; 55(2): 259.     CrossRef