The Effects of Selective Spinal Nerve Root Steroid Injedtion for Low Back Pain and Radicular Pain in Patients with Interbetebral Disc Herniation or Spinal stenosis.
Byung Yun Jeon, Sie Jeong Ryu, Tae Ho Jang, Se Hwan Kim, Sung Hee Kang, Hyeon Suk Chung
Korean J Anesthesiol. 1997;32(1):110-115.     DOI:
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A Comparison of the Efficacy of Epidural Steroid Injections in Terms of the Dosages and Frequency of Triancinolone Injections for the Pain Related to Lumbar Spinal Stenosis or Herniated Disks
Byeong Moon Hwang, Bum Sang Hwang
The Korean Journal of Pain.2006; 19(1): 72.     CrossRef