Tracheal laceration detected by high end-tidal CO2 during endoscopic thyroidectomy.
Han Suk Park, Sang Ik Lee, Hye Won Shin, Sung Uk Choi, Ji Yong Park, Hye Won Lee, Hae Ja Lim, Suk Min Yoon, Seong Ho Chang
Korean J Anesthesiol. 2009;56(6):703-705.     DOI:
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Rupture of endotracheal tube cuff during robot-assisted endoscopic thyroidectomy -A case report-
Hyung-Chul Lee, Mi-Ja Yun, Eui-Kyoung Goo, Jae-Hyon Bahk, Hee-Pyoung Park, Young-Tae Jeon, Sang Chul Lee
Korean Journal of Anesthesiology.2010; 59(6): 416.     CrossRef